
This page describes some of the most useful additions for Smalltalk, you can find more of them in the CodeFooDevelopment bundle on How to access the SCG visualworks store.

Symbol » value: anObject

The simplest little extension that could possibly make a big difference. The extension allows to use symbols as unary blocks, for example you may replace

    coll do: \[ :each | each unaryMessage ]


    coll do: #unaryMessage

There is a package SymbolValue both on How to access the SCG visualworks store as well as public store. For more information, please refer to How valueable is a Symbol? by Travis Griggs.

* » asSortBlock

Answer a sort block based on the receiver, implemented as

``` Symbol >> asSortBlock ^\[ :a :b | (a perform: self) > asSortBlock self numArgs = 1 ifTrue: \[ ^\[ :a :b | (self value: a)

Please note that, to improve execution speed, CodeFoo's actual implementation does some magic to generate an unbound block rather than a full block bound the receiver.

BlockClosure » *

Other useful extensions of blocks includes

Character » isSpace

Answer whether the receiver is a space.

CharacterArray » *

Useful extensions of strings includes

in particular those dealing with pre- and suffices are very useful

Collection » transitiveClosure: unaryBlock

Answer the transitive closure of the receiver, that is, all elements in the receiver plus any element reachable using the unary block. For example

    (Array with: Object) transitiveClosure: \[ :each | each subclasses ]

returns the same as

    Object withAllSubclasses

Implemented as follows

``` Collection >> transitiveClosure: unaryBlock ^self species withAll: (self asSet transitiveClosure: unaryBlock) ``` ``` Set >> transitiveClosure: unaryBlock | closure candidates | closure := self species new. candidates := self copy. \[ candidates isEmpty ] whileFalse: \[ | element | element := closure add: candidates removeAny. (unaryBlock value: element) asCollectionDo: \[ :each | closure find: each ifAbsent: \[ candidates add: each ] ]]. ^closure. ```

Please not that the term closure in "transitive closure" refers to the mathematics meaning of transitive closure (see Wikipedia) rather than to computer science terminology, this is very confusing and a better naming for the method is welcome.

Set » removeAny

Implemented as

``` Set >> removeAny ^self remove: self any ```

* » asCollectionDo: aBlock

General purpose implementation of #do:, implemented as

``` UndefinedObject >> asCollectionDo: aBlock ^self ``` ``` Object >> asCollectionDo: aBlock aBlock value: self ``` ``` Collection >> asCollectionDo: aBlock self do: aBlock ``` ``` CharacterArray >> asCollectionDo: aBlock aBlock value: self ```

Please note, we assume that strings are to be treated as objects rather than as collection.

* » asCollection

Implemented analog to #asCollectionDo: as

``` UndefinedObject >> asCollection ^#() ``` ``` Object >> asCollection ^Array with: self ``` ``` Collection >> asCollection ^self ``` ``` CharacterArray >> asCollection ^Array with: self ```

Please note, we assume that strings are to be treated as objects rather than as collection.

Collection » *

Other useful extensions of collection include set operations,

mathematical operations, such as

and some special enumerations, such as

SequencableCollection » *

For lists, there are more useful enumerations, such as

as well as other useful extensions, such as:

as well as more literal accessors, such as

and smart implementations of #copyFrom:to: that understand negative, as well as, out of range indices

Bag » *

And finally, there are some nice extensions for bags, such as

SequencableCollection » sliceFrom: start to: end

Answer a copy of the receiver, starting from the element at start index up to and including the element at end index. Other than #copyFrom:to:, this method does never raise a SubscriptOutOfBoundsError. Also, negative indices may be used to count indices from the collection's end rather than start.

The method is implemented as follows

``` SequeancableCollection >> sliceFrom: s to: e | start end | start := 1 max: (s positive ifTrue: \[s] ifFalse: \[self size + s + 1]). end := self size min: (e positive ifTrue: \[e] ifFalse: \[self size + e]). ((start > end) or: \[end

For convenience, we provide #sliceFrom: and #sliceTo: as well.

Filename » *

There are some nice accessors and enumerations for filenames, either recursive or not