ESEC/FSE'97 | OO Reengineering Workshop | CFP | E-mail

ESEC/FSE'97 Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering
Zurich, Friday September 26, 1997

Version 1.4 -- Latest Revision: October, 22nd, 1997

What's Available at this Site

Workshop Agenda

It was a bit difficult, but finally we decided on a format where each of the authors quickly (= 4 minutes per paper) presents their position statement followed by a short (=2 minutes) question round. Assuming that all participants read the material beforehand, this part of the agenda mainly serves as a 'get to know each other'.

For this scheme to work well, it implies your co-operation. Especially, we ask all presenters to respect strictly the 4 minutes presentation time, which corresponds roughly to 2 slides.
During this 4 minutes we want you to stick to the following format:
- Who are you ? (= all the authors of the paper present at the workshop)
- Why are you here ?
- What is the position you defend ? (People have read the paper, so DO NOT GO INTO TECHNICAL DETAILS)
- What are the topics you want to discuss at the workshop

During these presentations and questions, me and Harald will collect the discussion topics raised in a list. Using that list, we will then form clusters of interest and split the group into smaller 'task forces'. During the afternoon, those task forces will study a number of issues in greater detail. At the end of the day, we will come back in a plenary session to exchange the results.

  Welcome and Opening of the Workshop

  Short presentations + Questions (I)
  == 4 minutes per paper + 2 minutes questions ==

     1. Yih-Farn Chen and Emden Gansner
      'Detection of Unreachable C++ Code'
     2. Eliezer Kantorowitz
      'Identifying Problematic Legacy Algorithms by their Extension
     3. Arie van Deursen and Tobias Kuipers
      'Finding Classes in Legacy Code Using Cluster Analysis'
     4. Udo Gleich, Thomas Kohler and Roland Trauter
      'Tool-support for Reengineering of object-oriented Systems'
     5. Vaclav Rajlich
      'Propagation of Change in Object-Oriented Programs'
     6. Jens Janhnke and Albert Zuendorf
      'Rewriting poor Design Patterns by good Design Patterns'
     7. Oliver Ciupke
     8. Henderson-Sellers, B
      'OPEN Re-engineering'
     9. Annya Romanczuk and Isabelle Borne
      'Objectifying a Merise analysis using transformation rules'
     10. Benedikt Schulz
      'Behaviour preserving reorganisation of object-oriented systems &
      Adaptive Programming'
     11. Georg Trausmuth and Roland Knor
      'Reengineering of C/C++ Programs using Generic Components'
     12. Y. Wang
      'On Built-in Tests in Object Oriented Reengineering'
  -- Coffee break
  Short presentations + Questions (II)
  ==  4 minutes per paper + 2 minutes questions ==
     13. Sander Tichelaar and Stephane Ducasse
      'Architectural Extraction in Reverse Engineering by Prototyping: An
     14. Y. Wang
      'Empirical Process for Object-Oriented Reengineering'

  Identification of clusters of interest
  + division in task forces

  Work in task forces

  -- Lunch

  Work in task forces

  -- Coffee break

  Work in task forces

  Plenary session
  Conclusion of the workshop
  Future directions


The ability to reengineer object-oriented legacy systems has become a vital matter in today's software industry. Early adopters of the object-oriented programming paradigm are now facing the problem of transforming their object-oriented "legacy" systems into full-fledged frameworks. Dealing with programs exceeding 10,000 lines of badly documented code definitely requires support from tools as well as methodologies.

The Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering wants to gather people working on solutions for object-oriented legacy systems. We explicitly solicit experience reports from the software industry as well as contributions from tool producers and methodology providers. The workshop itself will be set up as a forum for exchanging experiences, discussing solutions, and exploring new ideas.

Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Intended Audience

The workshop is intended for software engineering professionals with experience in object-oriented reengineering; either people who are actively engaged in reengineering projects, or people who develop methodologies and tools. Similar workshops held at other conferences (OOPSLA'95, OOPSLA'96, ECOOP'97), show that it is possible to gather a group of about 10 persons for a whole day of fruitful discussions.

Important Dates

About the Organizers

The organizers of the workshop are from the University of Berne, Switzerland and the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. Serge Demeyer, from the University of Berne, is a member of the Software Composition Group headed by Professor O. Nierstrasz. Harald Gall, from the Technical University of Vienna, is a member of the Distributed Systems Group headed by Professor M. Jazayeri. Both groups are participating in ESPRIT research projects concerning reengineering which are FAMOOS and ARES respectively.

Serge Demeyer
Serge Demeyer research focuses primarily on possible cross-fertilizations between the software engineering and hypermedia domains. He is currently the co-ordinator of the FAMOOS reengineering project at the University of Berne. Serge Demeyer co-organised the '2nd Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems' and participated in many other Open Hypermedia Workshops. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1997) from the 'Vrije Universiteit Brussel' - Belgium.
Harald Gall
Harald Gall is currently program committee member of the 1997 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE '97), the 1997 Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC '97) and the ICSE'97 Workshop on Migration Strategies for Legacy Systems. His research interests include reengineering, software architecture, and object-oriented technologies. He is currently involved in the architecture recovery tasks of the ARES project and in the object-oriented re-architecturing project CORET. He holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in computer science from the Technical University of Vienna.

ESEC/FSE'97 | OO Reengineering Workshop | CFP | E-mail