FAMOOS Framework-based Approach for Mastering Object- Oriented Software Evolution Software Composition Group - Institut für Informatik - University of Berne The Project in a Nutshell ------------------------- FAMOOS is an ESPRIT project that will last 3 years starting from September 1st, 1996. ESPRIT projects are concerned with research and development activities in the area of information technology, i.e., all software that underpins the way companies do business and supports the design and manufacture of products. The FAMOOS project intends to improve existing software by making it more flexible; i.e. adaptable to the changing requirements imposed by the way people want to use information technology. In computer science, the state of the art dictates object-oriented programming as a key factor to achieve flexibility. An ESPRIT project must bring together companies and research institutions from different members of the European Union, but encourages the participation of non-member countries as well. Since Switzerland invests in joint international research projects, the University of Berne was able to participate in the ESPRIT programme. The partners in the FAMOOS project are: - Nokia Corporation (Finland) is an international group strongly positioned in all key growth areas of the telecommunication business. Nokia relies heavily on state of the art information technology for all of its activities. - Daimler-Benz (Germany) is the largest industrial concern in Europe. The group is active in the areas of traffic & transport systems and services - areas that benefit a lot from information technology projects. - SEMA Group s.a.e. (Spain) is one of the largest software houses in Spain. SEMA provides the FAMOOS project with the Concerto2/Audit tool. - TakeFive Software (Austria) is a company dedicated to providing solutions for managing complex software development by providing tools and technologies. TakeFive sells the SNiFF+ tool, used in the FAMOOS project. - FZI (Germany) is a research centre that transfers technology from computer science to the software industry and, as such, has lots of experience with re-engineering. - Software Composition Group (Switzerland) is a research group part of the Institut fr Informatik at the University of Berne, specialised in object-oriented software engineering. Oversimplified, the set-up of the FAMOOS project is such that the technology users (i.e., Nokia and Daimler-Benz) provide real-world cases to be studied by the academic partners (i.e., University of Berne and FZI) using the tools supplied by the technology providers (i.e., SEMA and TakeFive). The Role of the Software Composition Group ------------------------------------------ Improvement of software systems requires controlled modifications. Therefore the FAMOOS project is essentially about re-engineering existing software systems, where we regard re-engineering as an evolutionary process with five phases: 1.Model Capture: documenting and understanding the software system 2.Problem Detection: identifying flexibility and quality problems 3.Problem Resolution: selecting new software architectures to correct the problems 4.Reorganisation: transforming the existing software architecture for a new release 5.Change Propagation: ensuring that all client systems benefit from the new release Although the Software Composition Group works on the complete re-engineering cycle, our main contribution is expected within phases 3 and 4, i.e. the quest for improving the software architecture or --put into different terms-- forward engineering. Indeed, the Software Compo- sition Group acts as strong advocates for the idea of software components: we believe that the best way to create flexible software systems is by building them out of reusable components conforming to a "plug-in architecture". Just like a malfunctioning TV-systems can be repaired more effectively by replacing defective IC's, we want to adapt an outdated software system by substituting new software components for older ones. The Software Composition Group group has done quite a lot of work on both the formal as well as practical aspects of component-based software architectures, and the FAMOOS project gives us an excellent opportunity to test our ideas on real-world cases. More Information ---------------- To learn more about FAMOOS and the role of the Software Composition Group in the project, you might want to look at our world-wide web site or contact us via the following coordinates. http://iamwww.unibe.ch/~famoos/ e-mail: famoos@iam.unibe.ch Institut für Informatik (IAM) - Universität Bern Software Composition Group Neubrückstrasse 10 CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland Tel: +41 (31) 631.4618 Fax: +41 (31) 631.3965