Coordinates of Adrian Kuhn

My working office is Room 206 in Schützenmattstrasse 14.


There are no guaranteed office times. However, based on pragmatic considerations, chances are high to meet me monday afternoon, or around midnight on the day of a conference deadline.

For history aficionados, the institute is located in the building of the former "Thierarzneischule" (school of veterinary science), which has been built in the 1890ies and renovated in 1992-96. For more information, please refer to the Architekturführer der Universität Bern (in German).

Phone number of my office is

   +41 31 631 3547

Fax number of the SCG lab is

   +41 31 631 3355

Please address postal items as follows

   Adrian Kuhn
   Software Composition Group
   Institut fuer Informatik
   Universitaet Bern
   Neubrueckstr. 10
   CH-3012 Bern