Smart tools/IDE
Some topics:
visual environment (navigation/coding)
code cloning
collaborative tools
history-based completion (Romain Robbes)
re-thinking the IDE, not center on the code editor; begin with other views?
orthogonal tools for selection vs analysis (allows one to select whatever data he wants to put in an analysis tool) (nowadays tools are often monolithic)
selection mechanisms:
scope mechanism of Refactoring Browser - scoped impact
smart groups of OB - used with search
groups in Moose - query
use of annotation to tag data (false positive...)
degree-of-interest model
navigation mechanisms:
- visual metaphors to navigate in code
- daisy browser, daisy interaction (mouse movement based)
King browser:
- empty browser which dynamically populates with classes and methods browsed (landmarks): populate-and-forget (pin down landmark)
- dedicated browser for navigation/browsing only on the side