How to complete a Masters
As of September 2012, there is a new procedure concerning the master thesis.
- there is a new form “Master Thesis” which must be completed when you supervise a master student;
- before starting the master thesis, the JMCS secretariat checks if a student is allowed to start his/her master thesis;
- for students who already began their master thesis, please also complete the mentioned form at the end of the master thesis (only page 2). For details consult the JMCS web site.
What do you have to do when supervising a master thesis:
- Agree with your student (and Oscar) about the thesis topic.
- Only start supervising a master thesis once you have the signed Master Thesis form from the JMCS secretariat.
- Complete at the end of the master thesis the second page of the Master Thesis form electronically and sign it. You then have to submit the form by email and hand in a printed version of the form to the JMCS secretariat. A written evaluation is also required. The form is available from the PhilNat web site.
When you are writing your master thesis:
- Use the LaTeX template for the masters thesis in the scgbib git repo: git clone git://
- Pay attention to Common Writing Errors!
The final deliverable is the PDF of the thesis, which will be published in the SCG publications archive.
Providing a copy to the University library
You should also provide a printed copy to the ExWi library and you should give your consent to publish the electronic version on the University web site.
After the Fall semester 2019, only an electronic copy needs to be delivered to .
(Students completing their MSc in Fall 2019 still need to provide the paper copy.)
Note that:
- It must be the final, corrected version
- It must include the proper cover page
- It must include a signed declaration of independent work (Selbstständigkeitserklärung)
Last updated:
- 2019-09-09 (electronic copies)