Mircea F. Lungu

#This page is not updated anymore! Please see my new page.


I am a researcher at the Software Composition Group at the University of Berne. I work closely with Oscar Nierstrasz and the members of the group.

I got my PhD from the University of Lugano, with Michele Lanza as advisor and my engineer degree from the Polytechnic University of Timişoara, with a thesis supervised by Radu Marinescu and Tudor Girba. I was as a visiting researcher at IBM TJ Watson Research Center in NY with Wim De Pauw.

My research interests are in software engineering, software evolution, ecosystem analysis, programming languages, and mobile applications.

Student Project Proposals

Here you can find several projects that are available at the moment. If you have other ideas that are related to any of these topics, feel free to contact me.

Research Highlights

Software Evolution
Project: Agile Software Assessment - (EUR500,000) SNF project building next generation of tool support for software evolution
Tool: Softwarenaut - Open source tool for monitoring software architecture evolution.
Infrastructure: Pangea - Parallel Infrastructure for making multi-language empirical studies in software engineering easy
Topic: Big Software Data - Empirical Studies of large scale software analysis
Software Ecosystems
Paper: A quantitative study of developer needs in ecosystem context
Tool: The St1-PL/1 tool for PL1 Ecosystem analysis tested at Credit Suisse
Workshop: WEA - the Third International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures in Dubrovnik (co-located with ECSA)
Language: Polite - Investigating PL syntaxes closer to natural language
Infrastructure: Zeeguu - Ubiquitous second language acquisition
Tool: Quicksilver - Infrastructure for the interactive exploration of hierarchical data sets
Framework: Moose - Software visualisation and analysis platform to which I and my students have been contributing since many years.


I teach since a long time. In my 2nd year of bachelor I was already teaching the introductory programming course at a technical highschool in Timisoara, Romania. I had one student who was a prison warden during the day. Teaching him to code was awesome.

Teaching is learning, so I have been lucky to be teaching a broad range of topics until now:

  1. Compiler Construction,
  2. Concurrency Patterns,
  3. Introduction to Programming (two guest lectures)
  4. Principles of UI Design,
  5. Human Computer Interaction.
  6. Software Composition Seminar

(new) In the fall of 2014 I am teaching the following courses:

  1. Software Design and Evolution
  2. Introduction to Software Engineering

Service to the Community

I am on the PC of SE Week, OOPSLA, WCRE, ICSM TD Track, WASDeTT. I was on the PC of ICSE TD Track and others. For the full list see my resume.

Several Swiss and international events that I organize or have recently organized are:

I review for the following periodicals:


I advised the following master (MS) and bachelor (BS) theses at the Universities of Bern (UB) and Lugano (UL):

   Maudlin Kummer Categorising Test Smells BS, UB
   Dominique Rahm HYKOMSYS: A Developer's Online Quiz BS, UB
   Simon Marti Second Language Acquisition Through Free Reading and Repetition BS, UB
   Erik Aeschlimann St1-PL/1: Reverse Engineering PL1 Ecosystems (WCRE paper) MS, UB
   Dennis Schenk Quicksilver: A Framework for Hierarchical Data Analysis (SSE paper,thesis) MS, UB
   Nicole Haenni Information Needs in Software Ecosystems (papers: WEA'13, WEA'14) MS, UB
   Jacopo Malnati Developer centric analysis of SVN ecosystems (MSR paper) MS, UL
   Alessio Boeckmann MARS - Modular Architecture Recommendation System MS, UL
   Jacopo Malnati X-Ray - An Eclipse Plug-in for Software Visualization. BS, UL
