Archive of finished projects
- Stamp
- Lego Mindstorm
- Wiretap - Feature and Object Flow Analysis for Java
- AOP in Squeak
- Monticello Package Browser
- Eg Correlating Methods and their Unit Tests
- For Example JUnit
- JUnit2JExample
- Bender
- Cells
- Spy
- Fame
- RBCrawler
- JMethods
- SqueakSource
- Soda
- Develect
- Non-standard Type Systems
- Feature IDE
- Pimon
- PyGirl
- JUnitWire
- Font Size Buttons
- Bachelors Projects
- Context
- Detecting package cycles within eclipse
- DSL in Scala
- CiteWise: The Citation Search Engine
- A replication study on bug prediction
- Where are the checked objects coming from?
- A Taxonomy of Visual Programming Languages
- Recognising structural patterns in code
- Automatic Token Classification
- Runtime Support For Polite Smalltalk
- Parsing F# with Petit Parser
- PEG Error Recovery
- Parsing Ruby with Bounded Seas
- Where did this null come from???
- Test/Document framework for Quality Rules
- API Evolution Mining Service
- Studying the prevalence of security issues in Android
- Augmenting a Source Code Editor with Method Nullability Data
- Identify Non-Nullable Methods
- How are Software Visualizations Evaluated?
- Inferring types from type annotations
- Detecting (potentially) malicious behaviour in mobile apps
- Visually Mining TravisTorrent
- Code critiques in the Pharo debugger
- Understanding Program Comprehension
- Polyglot development using GraalVM - Memgen
- Studying state of the art in Android ransomware detection
- VISON: Software Visualization Ontology
- An LLVM backend for sourir
- Bibliography PDF crawler
- Compiling Java to Smalltalk Bytecode: The Tooling
- Identifying method argument types from method tests
- Polyglot development using GraalVM - Twitter analysis
- Compiling a higher-level language to WebAssembly
- Strings Attached
- Android Studio plug-in for code reviews
- Privacy concerns in public web APIs
- Type hints usage in Python projects
- Plugin for Moose to Analyse Natural Language Questions
- Modular exceptions